AI safety at your fingertips

Achieve AI safety and capabilities to rewind the enterprise AI mission

Wild Intelligence is in its earliest stages and far from perfect. As we work to improve our techniques and methodology continually, we’ll share updates publicly on our blog.

AI safety: the key to unlocking unprecedented capabilities

Pursuing "unprecedented capabilities" through AI is undeniably alluring, but it hinges upon a foundational pillar: AI safety.

This encompasses a spectrum of technical aspects, ensuring AI systems function reliably, predictably, and ethically, even in the face of complex, real-world scenarios.

It's about more than just preventing harm; it's about enabling AI to reach its full potential without compromising human values or societal well-being.

[Explore more: read the blog post]


AI safety lies at the heart of our mission and culture. The artificial intelligence era demands that people ask better questions and make better decisions based on open governance, responsibility, and collaboration to break the barriers to scale.

First, we establish a reliable and safe policy that lays out the values you want to implement at the heart of your systems.

Second, we align the model through diverse technical methods to comply with the policy.

Finally, we deploy an ongoing process of review and improvement to obtain a model that confirms the policy.

By following this approach, your objective is to create the foundation of trust that will enable systems to deliver on the promises of trustworthy artificial intelligence.